Friday, February 12, 2021

How to Recycle Candle Wax

 How to Recycle Candle Wax

Any candle maker (or even candle user) will ultimately have lots of scraps of candles left over. You can be frugal and earth-friendly at the same time by recycling the wax. With colored or scented wax scraps, you can make torch candles, citronella candles, or use the wax to test out new molds or new pouring techniques.

Scrapped candle wax comes from a mixture of different waxes, and your best bet is to recycle candles that are similar in the same batch. Additionally, it's best to use recycled wax for candles that you don't mind if they burn poorly, such as outdoor bucket candles or dipped candle torches. If you've got used containers, you can recycle the candle containers, too!

  1. Separate the Scraps

Separate the scraps and pieces into an unscented and/or uncolored pile and a scented and/or colored pile.


Coordinate scented scraps into similar scent families (for example, citrus, floral, spicy). It simplifies things and might give you a pleasant scent result.

  1. Prepare the Scraps

Starting with the unscented/uncolored pile, trim off as much of the burned wick as possible. Remove any wick tabs or labels and brush or scrape off any dirt or dirty sections of wax.

  1. Melt the Wax

Put the pieces in your wax melting pot and slowly melt them down. Once melted, remove all of the wicks and wick tabs from the melted wax with a chopstick, tongs, or a fork.

  1. Filter the Wax

If there is a lot of debris still in the wax, you can filter it through an old flour sifter or another type of strainer. You can also just pour off the good part and discard the rest.

  1. Store or Prepare Wax

Once the wax is clean, either pour it into a tub or pail for later use. Alternatively, fragrance and color it to make candles as you normally would.


If your wax is colored and scented, you can still reuse it—you just have to figure in the extra color and scent. Mixes of colors will usually come out some shade of brown, while mixes of scents can be wonderfully complex or just plain awful. It will take some experimenting to find the combination that works.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


BBeez Boutique Candles Emporium



I'm excited to present my amazing new candles emporium to you! We are opening soon! Get your orders in and learn more about our recycling.

 I am currently testing and refining my creations to bring you the most scrumptious, delisous scented candles! 


The store will be recycling in as many ways as possible, we are seeking used and empty tealight holders and other empty candle containers to be recycled. Postage will be paid if you have any that you wouild usually throw in the refuse bin? Please keep them and send them to us, you will benefit from receiving free testers and first look at our new products. see pic above for examples.

I will post my journey here and share how I get on. I am currently buying supplies and deciding on scents and packaging etc, any opinions or advice is welcomed.

love and light



Saturday, February 6, 2021

BBeez candles

 BBeez candles

I hope to bring you the most delicious smells on the web so please post me your favorite scents, do you buy the same scent every time or are you adventerous with your smellies? Is there a smell you'd love to crteate in your home but cant find it anywhere?

I want to be your fairy smell mother and make your scent wishes come through for you!

Please post your candle wants too, I'd loove to know whats most popular then I can provide it.

My favorites right now are old timers Lavender and Chamomile, oldies but goodies!!! It's great to have the flowery smell of lavender combined with the relaxing effects of the essential oil.

All our scented candles are fragranced/fragranced with essential oils intended to have an affect on your mind, body & spirit, while creating a scrumptious scented ambience that only well placed candles can create.

Looking forward to learning your fav scents and candles!

Love and light



How to Recycle Candle Wax

  How to Recycle Candle Wax Any candle maker (or even candle user) will ultimately have lots of scraps of candles left over. You can be ...